Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shifts in Priorities

Part of my job in the IT department includes patrolling back and forth in a computer lab, straightening the place and making sure people are following the rules (no food, drinks, talking on phones, loud conversation, or watching porn). I spend up to half an hour at a time doing this, so I sometimes occupy myself with surveying the room, noting what people are doing.

Usually, this is to note just how many people are using Facebook. During our busiest hours (11am-1pm), Facebook and/or Youtube account for the activities of the majority of our users. Walking around and seeing an entire row of computers occupied by people on Facebook amuses me. Homework would account for some of the users' activities, but Facebook was the more dominant. Admittedly, though, while I'm doing this, my laptop is sitting at our Front Desk, often with my Facebook account open as well.

However, today it was a little different. My school is presently two weeks away from Finals. As a result, when I looked around most of what I saw was Word, Powerpoint and Blackboard. For the first time in the semester, our users are focused on homework. There are a few Facebook accounts open, but most people were focused on homework. This was reflected in my own activities: yesterday, open on my laptop was on a paper due soon (though I was too busy during the shift to work on it).

Whether these busy students were the previously slacking students with changed priorities, or different students altogether, I don't know. Far too many users come into our computer lab to keep track of who's there. Regardless of that, the shift in the use of the computer lab is a clear reflection of close Finals are.

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