Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hang In There, Nice Guys!

(Click comic for full image

Does the above comic seem a little too similar to your life? My thoughts today are directed towards my male teenage (including 18-19 year old) readers, assuming I have any. Are you one of those guys that keeps hearing "You're such a nice guy", but never seem to get anywhere with girls? Do you see the guys around you that are players getting all the girls and wonder, despite the fact that you're kinder, more reliable, why you aren't getting any attention?

My message to you is: hang in there! You will find the girl that's worth your time in the long-run! One sentiment that always makes me chuckle is "Hard work pays off later, but laziness pays off now". That easily applies to this as well: Being a player pays off now, but being a nice guy pays off later. There is a girl out there somewhere that will like you for you, will want to be with you, that when you find her, will make it all worth it.

Some things that I know will be true about that girl:
  • Yes, she is out there!
  • She wants a guy that she wants to bring home to mom and dad.
  • She wants a guy that she can depend on.
Let's focus on that last one for a bit. To a player, she'll be just another girl. If he sees a more attractive girl, a more valuable "prize", she'll be left behind. She wants a guy she knows will be there for her.

So, hang in there. Do not change how you are just to get a girl, or at least, don't lower who you are. Do not compromise who you want to be for temporary pleasure. I know, it can be rather frustrating sometimes. Just be patient. The players might be having fun now, but they don't get a "happily-ever-after".

In the meantime, I have one key piece of advice for you: be the guy that the girl you want will want to be with. The girl that is worth your time will want a guy that is worth her time. The best place to start with is improving your relationship with the female members of your family. The girl that is worth your time will look at how your mother and your sister(s) (if you have them around you) to gauge how you are likely to treat her. So respect them. Not only will it help you after you find her, but it will also help improve who you are and make you more attractive in the first place.

Hang in there, gentlemen. She is out there.

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