Thursday, October 15, 2009

Priceless Moment in my College Experience

I was in my Differential Equations class the other evening. Out of nowhere, in the middle of class, the phone in the classroom rings. Dr. Cappeta (the instructor) stops teaching and goes over and answers the phone. It turns out its a telemarketer, offering a chance to win two free boarding passes for a cruise for answering ten questions. A bit odd, of course, to have this call come to a classroom phone at a college. The more amazing part....

Dr. Cappeta proceeded to ANSWER THE SURVEY!

It's an automated call, with him pressing numbers on the phone to answer questions about his gender, age, and education level. He said aloud, "Since you don't have an option for 'highly overeducated' (PhD in Mathematics), I'll go with "College graduate." Other questions included marital status, smoker/nonsmoker, etc. On one of the last questions, he apparently pressed an invalid number, and get connected with a human operator. "No, thank you. I'm in the middle of teaching a Differential Equations class, so I should probably get back to that now. Have a nice day, good bye."

As he went back to the front of the room amidst chuckles from many of us, he commented, "You have to have fun every once in a while."

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