Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My New Favorite Hike

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Fairy Falls. Photo Credit: Ned Fenimore

The latest hike I took became my instant favorite: Fairy Falls Hike. With Wakheena Falls at its trailhead, the beginning is very popular. The parking lot was actually full and we had to park up the road a bit and walk back. The first quarter-mile up to a bridge near the top of Wakheena is fairly crowded, however once you get past the bridge it is much less so.

After the bridge comes 11 switchbacks up the side of the mountain. Having read that these cover 600 vertical feet in just half a mile, we thought it was going to be pretty steep, but after the first couple it was fairly easy. Every once in a while on the way up the trees part, giving some amazing views of the river and gorge below.

At the very top of all these switchbacks, a little side trail leads to Lemmon's Viewpoint. It gives a spectacular view of the Gorge, and is a must-see on this trail.

Back on the main trail, it now turns and heads into Wakheena Canyon. This place is absolutely amazing. It's a fairly narrow canyon that doesn't have room for much besides the river and the trail. Every step of the trail is uphill, and its a fairly steep climb, but it is well worth it. The river beside the trail, which is occasionally crossed by the trail on footbridges, creates natural air conditioning for the trail. The river is a neverending series of cascades down the canyon, and it makes the canyon seem like one enormous, multi-step waterfall.

Periodically, little tributaries to the main river tumble down the canyon walls, crossing the path, and then continuing their way down the canyon to join the river. The canyon, the river, the path, and the little streams flowing over the path combine to create an absolutely beautiful area that I look forward to going to again and again.

And then the whole beautiful experience was climaxed by the top of our hike at Fairy Falls, shown in the photo above. There's a really nice bench there next to it, where Lindsey and I sat resting, eating a snack, and just absorbing the breathtaking view around us.

The trail crossed the river and continued further up the canyon, looping around Larch Mountain, and including several more waterfalls, including Multnomah itself, but we chose to stop there, and head back down.

On our way back down, Lindsey and I kept saying how this was our new favorite hike and how we'd be coming back often.

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